When you are unclear about your decision, whether you take it or not, you are uncertain then you do istikhara.
The word istikhara mean, “Seeking the guidance from Allah what is best for you”. According to prophet, Muhammad SAW: we must perform istikhara when we have make a major decision of our life.
What is the Purpose of Online Istikhara?
The reason of online istikhara is help you give a fast and easy service at your home. Nobody can deny the importance of istikhara; it is the need of everybody. The concept of online istikhara create confusion in Muslim society. Istikhara itself tell us that, it is the help and goodwill from the Allah.
For better result of your decision, you must do istikhara three to seven time daily at specific time, mostly people do istikhara after Isha prayer, for istikhara there is not and fast boundary line you must do it after any prayer, but it is better do it after Isha prayer. When you perform, istikhara you must have complete trust on Allah Almighty. During the days of istikhara, you must focus on your goal. You can also contact us for online istikhara facility.
For better result of your decision, you must do istikhara three to seven time daily at specific time, mostly people do istikhara after Isha prayer, for istikhara there is not and fast boundary line you must do it after any prayer, but it is better do it after Isha prayer. When you perform, istikhara you must have complete trust on Allah Almighty. During the days of istikhara, you must focus on your goal. You can also contact us for online istikhara facility.
Salat-al-Istikhara is a prayer of guidance recited during times of indecision. To perform Istikhara, you should first be cleansed, so perform Wudu if necessary. Open your prayer, recite two rak’ah, then offer your Istikhara supplication. Rather than wait for a miraculous, symbolic vision, you should reflect within to find answers and seek advice from those you find wise and knowledgeable. When praying, show sincerity, avoid begging or pleading, and be ready to follow through on the answers you receive.
- The Isteftah Dua is: “Subhana Kal-lah hum-ma wabi hamdika wata-baara kasmuka wata'ala jad-duka wala ilaha ghyruk.” This translates to, “Glory be to you, O Allah, and all praises are due unto you, and blessed is your name and high is your majesty and none is worthy of worship but you.”
- The transliteration of the Ta’awwuz is, “A'udhu bil-lahi minash Shayta-nir-rajeem,” which translates in English to, “I seek Allah's protection from Satan who is accursed.” You only need to recite Ta’awwuz once.
- The transliteration of the Tasmiah is, “Bismillah hir-Rahma nir-Raheem,” which translates to, “In the name of Allah, the most Kind and the most Merciful.” You should recite Tasmiah before each Surah, or chapter of the Quran, that you recite.